
I’ve been sitting drinking tea im my local cafe, when some guy has stopped to check his hair in the reflection of the mirrored glass window, completely oblivious to the people inside.


So when I see this weeks challenge on was
 VANITY I couldn’t think of a better example to draw.


Another Illustration I done of Charlotte during her photo shoot with Chris.
This one was her favourate, and I’m also quite pleased with it too. I think that at this angle I’ve clearly captured the sceen, and shown the way Chris gets the effect in his photography, with the use of filters attached to his camera.
To the right is the photograph taken by Chris at the shoot.

Shoot on the bridge

I recently went along with Chris (photographer), to document with illustration, a shoot he was working on for the promotional book of local singer Charlotte Howell.

Shoot on the bridge

I completed this image lastnight, and will soon have more to come.