Southeast Asia

Back from my travels with a full set of 32 illustrations all painted on tour. Click image to take a look at my website, and see the full range of landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, portraits, temples, mountains and all kinds of fun.

Koh Lanta, Bangkok, Sang Laypon, Phônsavan, Sapa.

Koh Lanta, Bangkok, Sang Laypon, Phônsavan, Sapa.

Ankor Wat

The temples of Cambodia, Painted on site during my travels across southeast asia.

Ankor Wat

Ankor Wat

Preah Khan

Preah Khan

Ta Som

Ta Som





Agris & Chris

Agris the forest man, Moved from Latvia to Harlow, England. Too live in the bushes, in a tent beside a main road to the industrial estate. He claims to have better quality of life here. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union his country has never been the same.



A piece I created last week…

…or maybe the week before?


An Ink and Masking fluid experiment consisting of lots of flicking and splashing brushes, and dipping and dabbing sponges.

Grate fun 😀

The star group Pleiades (m45) as I named it after, which lays in the top right corner of the constellation Taurus (my star sign).

The star group Pleiades (m45) as I named the piece after. The brightest star in this group is alcylone. Pleiades lays in the top right corner of the constellation Taurus (my star sign).

Inocent delicate baby wondering this unknown enchanted landscape of rugged mountains with sharp edges.

Inocent delicate baby wondering this unknown enchanted landscape of rugged mountains with sharp edges.

The full image. I think I've captured quite a surreal, hallucinary quality here.

The full image.
I think I’ve captured quite a surreal, hallucinary feeling here.

Happy Birthday Irene

A relative has just turned 80 today.

Ive made her a delightfully floral card painted with brush & inks and fineliner.

Sent by Motherdelivery, so ill find out her response by tomorrow, Im sure she’ll love it.